Thursday, November 10, 2016
Journalism in network media is dead: BOYCOTT MSM Network (News) Magazine shows.
I'm soooooooooo over them all. CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS, they all got involved in the elections in one way or another because they all agreed to play ball. We were fed a bunch of BS (and I certainly do not mean Bernie Sanders) by their "analysts" who are nothing more than glorified actors. They promote the agenda of their bosses. Their "analysis" is canned and boring and wrong. They are all cut from the same mold.
The question becomes can you trust them. If the handlers ( are beholding to big business interests ) and they all are, what is it that they are selling and how does that impact their "reporting". You sure can't call it journalism.
So do we turn to "state sponsored media". I think not. Defined by wikipedia "The term state media is primarily understood in contrast to corporate media, and occasionally non-corporate independent news, which has no direct control from any political party.[2][3] Its content, according to some sources, is usually more prescriptive, telling the audience what to think, particularly as it is under no pressure to attract high ratings or generate advertising revenue[4] and therefore may cater to the forces in control of the state as opposed to the forces in control of the corporation, as described in the propaganda model of the mass media. In more controlled regions, the state may censor content which it deems illegal, immoral or unfavourable to the government and likewise regulate any programming related to the media; therefore, it is not independent of the governing party.[5] In this type of environment, journalists may be required to be members or affiliated with the ruling party, such as in the former Soviet Union or North Korea.[4] Within countries that have high levels of government interference in the media, it may use the state press for propaganda purposes"">
The better bet is public media however they too are beholding through sponsorships, as are PBS and NPR.
So is social media the answer?
Most social media news is owned by the same companies. Social media journalism is on the rise. Citizen journalism through social media content sites is maybe the way of the future. Currently it must be validated.
Testing and checking of information provided is recommended, until you trust a source, using Google, Wikipedia, Snopes as well as good old fashioned profile examination. Who follows this source? How big is the following? It is shared? Are there troubling relationships or trusted ones. Can you verify the contact info?
For now we live an an uncertain newsland but if we are resourceful enough we can find alternative sources to the mainstream outlets.
additional sources:
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Michael Moore's five-step program for Dems to get over the election
Michael Moore's five-step program for Dems to get over the election: Filmmaker Michael Moore said the Democratic Party must be taken over in a populist revolution after correctly predicting Donald Trump would win the White House. Arguing that there is no time to mourn, Moore tweeted out a link to his five-step progressive political recovery program on Wednesday after Trump's electoral college victory left the Democratic Party reeling. My "Morning After To-Do List": 5 things to get done today. No time to mourn.— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) November 9, 2016
Saturday, June 18, 2016
The People's Summit - Who's There? #Women4Bernie and many many more
At the People's Summit, Portia Boulger, of #Women4Bernie is interviewed and is spreading #BernieSanders message that leaders are important to moving forward. We need them. We need to all lead but we need a leader who creates more leaders. Everyone needs to get involved in politics at a local level right on up to federal. It is a matter of paying it forward. #Bernie2016 has done that for us. We now to do that for him by paying it forward. We must #GOTV for real progressive candidates as we have done with #BernieSanders.

Friday, June 10, 2016
Disappointment with Senator Warren from a MA progressive liberal

As Nina Turner says in the attached , it is easy to get into a twitter war and attack #Drumpf for anyone outside of the GOP. The hard endorsement would have been to go with her own ideological views and endorsed #Bernie2016 while she had the chance and could have made a real difference in the direction of this race.
Sanders surrogate blasts Elizabeth Warren: She doesn’t get ‘brownie points’ for slamming Trump
My disappointment with her weakens any interest I have in supporting any possible run she may make in the future. It is sad when your heroes fall short of your expectations.
Monday, June 6, 2016
BERNIE vs TRUMP Southern California rallies
SHARE SHARE SHARE This video clearly shows the difference in the inspiration delivered from #BernieSanders to his supporters what is delivered by #Drumpf to his. This is not about actions by external agitators with questionable loyalties. It is about the interaction between candidates and their supporters.
You can not deny the evidence of this video as the contagious impact of the speaker to the audience. Bernie is spreading love, hope, enthusiasm while Trump is spreading anger, distrust and division.
You can not deny the evidence of this video as the contagious impact of the speaker to the audience. Bernie is spreading love, hope, enthusiasm while Trump is spreading anger, distrust and division.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Women activists decry Steinem, Albright statements
Women activists decry Steinem, Albright statements: Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton tried to shore up her flagging support among young women last week with the help of feminist icons Gloria Steinem and Madeleine Albright.
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