Sunday, December 6, 2020

15 Min Low Impact Aerobics - Quiet Cardio Workout for Beginners with No ...

My doctor said lower your blood pressure or go on meds. You have a month.  I was bummed, then I found these guys. It’s working. Check them out.

Monday, June 8, 2020

The most dangerous president we’ve ever had has powerful conspirators

The most dangerous president we’ve ever had has powerful conspirators . Trump’s reign should only last , at worst eight years, at best we could move him along after four but the people responsible for the decades long impact that we will have to endure could remain in power long after that.  There are no term limits on congressional representation and Senate seat holding .  The people you would least expect, and some of course who you would easily expect, have conspired with Trump to appoint not only cabinet members to make decisions every day (like Betsy DeVos on education) that will affect our young folks well into their middle-age if not beyond .  They’ve also conspired with Trump to appoints extremely conservative and right wing judges to the benches of courts across the land and at the highest level, our Supreme Court .
 The only way to correct this imbalance (and it will take decades) is to vote at all levels and vote out the people responsible for having loaded our government with backward thinking social and economic conservatives, who will keep us from moving forward and in some cases move us back to the dark ages .

 Here are some lists for you to review when making decisions on voting in the future .

 Please read and take action .  Now is the time because another four years of Trump’s chaos could devolve  our democratic republic into a banana republic.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020