Monday, May 22, 2017

Cold War-era Nuclear Tests Created Belts of Charged Particles Around the Earth - D-brief

Do you ever wonder why a certain segment of our citizenship and the people they elect to office are #ScienceDeniers? Do you think it might be fear?

Science is a wonderful thing, except when it is not. Remember that Madame Curie who discovered the elements polonium and radium (Radioactivity as she named it) and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize twice in her life "unfortunately (she) unwittingly also discovered the fatal effect radioactivity can have on your health; she died on July 4, 1934, of aplastic anemia caused by radiation exposure."

Consider that when James Chadwick discovered the neutron in 1932 he anticipated that neutrons would become a major weapon in the fight against cancer and then was instrumental in it's evolution.

We must not let fear hold us back. There is good and bad in everything as is documented in the findings attached in reference to the nuclear testing in the 50s and 60s. #IBelieveInScience and #SupportScientificDevelopment

"researchers say that the plasma created in the explosions interacted with the planet’s magnetic field and created an artificial version of the Van Allen belts that encircle the Earth." "

"The recently declassified results were published in Space Science Reviews."

"Bonus finding from the paper: Some types of radio waves act to create a kind of shield around the Earth that protects us from harmful radiation."

Cold War-era Nuclear Tests Created Belts of Charged Particles Around the Earth - D-brief: The charged particles from the tests interacted with Earth's magnetic field to create temporary belts around the Earth, damaging satellites.

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