Thursday, March 4, 2021

Kaleidoscope meditation to free the mind for exercise and nutrition

 Meditation can be tricky. How do you stop thinking about your problems, your schedule, your to-do list? 

Closing my eyes has never worked. Listening to guided  meditation never worked. I was looking for more of mind altering experience that I could relate to and not control. I found kaleidoscope visuals for meditation. Example: 
The music wasn’t always something that I wanted. So I found brain waves audio that allows me to match an audio with a visual that works for me at the time. 

This is helping me to relax after a walk or some stressing news which will support me and making the right decisions moving forward for my health. 

Having contracted Lyme disease and going through the process to eradicate it and return my joints to normal I was unprepared for following that up with all the pressures in my body reacting erratically( both blood pressure and eye pressure). 2020 was one long journey But my journey for good health is not over, it’s a lifelong journey. Improving physical health will require improving mental health to keep you on track. 

If anyone else has tried kaleidoscope meditation to clear the mind and allow you to get into a meditative state please drop a line below in the comments and let me know how you feel about it.